Use <React.Fragment>…</React.Fragment> as replacement wrapper to avoid rendering the top-level wrapper. Alternately <>…</>, the shorthand version, can be used.
Category: Development
React Popular Hooks
useState – values that changes overtime. useEffect – opt into component’s lifecycle to introduce side effects.
On Event Handle: With return or none
HTML + JavaScript in JSX = bread and butter
JavaScript in HTML can:
Standard vs Arrow Function Declaration
React Component Hierarchies
Also called as component tree. It usually has a parent component, a child component (sibling component to each other), and a leaf component (does not render other component).
Codecademy Cheatsheets
I find these articles useful as reference for development.
JavaScript: Design Patterns
Design patterns tends to be: DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) Modular Reusable Easier to maintain Easier to discuss with peers at a high level (vs diving into implementation details) Traits of anti-design patterns: Namespace pollution — unexpected behavior from interactions from different clients Increased code complexity Code being difficult to understand and update Difficulty with testing… Continue reading JavaScript: Design Patterns
JavaScript: Currying
The art of writing a function that returns nested functions for modular, easier to test, and reusable code.
Built-in JavaScript Errors
7 Types of built-in JavaScript Errors: EvalError RangeError ReferenceError SyntaxError TypeError URIError InternalError Reference: