A web development team is compose of different roles. Although role is typically done by specific a member, there are cases where these roles overlap and done by one person in a team. Web designer Front-end developer Back-end developer Full-stack developer Content developer Web master
Category: Development
What is web development process
These are steps that web development follows when creating a website or web application. Information gathering Planning Design Content creation Coding Testing and launch Maintenance
How to install Node.js and npm in Windows 10
I’ve been using Node.js and npm to compile .less to .css, .ts to .js, and minify. But I didn’t try setting it up my self until now. Wanting to understand it better, I searched and found nvm-windows as better approach to maintain these apps. To install it, I followed the instructions in below page and… Continue reading How to install Node.js and npm in Windows 10
How to check file checksum in Windows 10
After downloading an installer from the web. It is important to check the checksum of that file. This is to make sure that file is a clean copy from the publisher. One way to check is to use Windows 10 built-in tool, CertUtil. To check the md5 hash of a file. Open a command line… Continue reading How to check file checksum in Windows 10